Cloud Webinar and Deck now posted

April 16, 2010

As part of the CIO series we are doing with Information Week,  I did a webinar on Wednesday called The Journey to the Cloud.  If you want to get a feel for some of the big issues and ideas addressed during the webinar, check out moderator Fred Paul’s entertaining blog entry.  Here is the deck I used:

If you’re interested in listening to the webinar you can get access to it here (you will need to register).  I spent about 20 minutes on the presentation and 30 minutes fielding questions from the audience.  One question submitted that we didn’t have time to answer was why Fred Paul and I both have first names for last names.  That will have to wait for another webinar.

Pau for now…

Turning 100 years of “tribal knowledge” into documented processes

December 4, 2008

tillamookartisansA while back I posted a podcast with Steve Burge of Tillamook where he talked about how Tillamook, a cooperative, made up of over 150 dairies, took on a process mapping effort to turn 100 years of “tribal knowledge” into documented processes.

Since the story was a great example of tackling a process documentation effort that involved the whole org, rather than just IT, we decided to turn it into a webinar.  We worked with and created a 35 minute webinar which you can check out here (you can also check out the slides below).

What the webinar’s about

Steve talks through the slides for about 25 minutes and then fields questions for about 10.  Here are some of the topics he discusses:

  • How he built a core team where IT was in the minority and the majority of the members came from the business side.
  • How the team decided where to begin
  • How they involved over 150 people, from all over the company, to help detail the processes and how by doing so it helped eliminate silos and highlight “white spaces.”
  • How this effort led to a “new” view of BPM.

Pau for now…