“Quiet Riot”: Last Blueprint release of ’08 now live

As the year 2008 draws to a close one more Lombardi Blueprint release has just just gone live.


The login-screen has been cleaned up (except for the coffee stains) and “Twitter-fied.”

The release, code-named “Quiet Riot” (in keeping with the official Blueprint code-naming schema) is characterized by a bunch of cool new features (you can read about them in detail or see the short overview video on Dave’s Blog) designed to make this process mapping tool more collaborative, more powerful and even easier to use.

Here is the high-level list:

  • File Attachments: These are powered behind the scenes by Mosso’s Cloud Files and allow you to attach screenshots, word docs, spreadsheets etc.   Additionally, your  files are conveniently added to the same place you collect other information regarding a particular process step.
  • Easy Invites:  Looking to give the gift of Blueprint this holiday season?  Well it just got easier.  We’ve cleaned up the homepage and now to invite someone all you need to do is to type in their email address in the space prominently located at the top of the page.
  • Password Rules: Password strength can be set at one of three different levels (high, medium or minimum) using a handy slider bar.

Twitter: This Enterprise 2.0 app just got 2.0-ier

Enterprise 2.0 features like collaboration via wiki-like functionality and IM are at the center of Blueprint. Now in this latest release we’ve added a Twitter feed which powers the “What’s New” section on the login page (see the screenshot at the top of the page).

If the thought of Twitter sounds a bit intimidating, don’t worry, the feed on the login page is transparent to you, all you will notice are postings that are updated from time to time.

If you do want to follow the Twitter feed directly along with your other feeds, click on the little Twitter icon (in the bottom right corner of the yellow sticky) and you’ll be taken to the actual Blueprint Update Twitter page where you can see all the posts.  Obviously Twitter works both ways so we’re looking forward to collecting feedback from you as well.


Check out the Blueprint Twitter feed directly at: twitter.com/BlueprintUpdate.

Hope you enjoy Quiet Riot.  As always the 6-7 week release beat goes on.  Who’s up next?  R.E.O Speedwagon.

Pau for now…

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