Learning about Joyent and Triton, the elastic container infrastructure

January 5, 2016

Here’s another interview from KubeCon back in November.  This one’s a twofer.  Joyent’s CEO and CTO, Scott Hammond and Bryan Cantrill respectively, talk about taking their learnings from Solaris zones and applying them to the world of modern apps and containers.

Some of the ground Scott and Bryan cover

  • Joyent, a software company focused on delivering a container native software infrastructure platform
  • They had been doing containers for 6 years and when Docker came along they focused on that
  • How Solaris zones came about, how Joyent picked it up and ran with it, and how it acted as a foundation for today’s containerized world – How they were in the right place at the wrong time
  • Whats in store for Joyent going forward – supporting the movement to modern app dev and the intersection of containers – taking this new tech and productizing and simplifying them to allow enterprises to roll them out

Extra-credit reading

Pau for now…