Brian Aker discusses Drizzle, DB for the Cloud

August 18, 2009

On the first day of Open Source World/Cloud World/Etc World I attended Brian Aker’s talk entitled “Drizzle, Rethinking MySQL for the Web.”  For those not in the know, Drizzle is a reworking of the MySQL database to slim it down and make it more appropriate for web-infrastructure and cloud computing .  I caught up with Brian after his talk to learn a little bit more about Drizzle, where its come from and where its going.

Some of the topics that Brian tackles:

  • Looking at what customer needs were not being addressed by MySQL.
  • Stripping stuff out of MySQL and setting up Drizzle as a microkernel design that modules can be added to.
  • One of the main goals was to allow greater community involvement in the development (currently Sun folks only make up 6-7% of those making contributions).
  • Is Drizzle production ready?
  • What cloud bits have been contributed to the project?
  • Why the name “Drizzle”?

Update:  Here’s the Register article based on this entry.

Pau for now…