Lifeguard Stands and Palm Trees in…Chicago!?

CHI_lifegaurdstandLast month my daughter and I traveled to Chicago for my cousin’s wedding.  We had two full days — one gorgeous, warm and sunny and one overcast and bone chilling – so is Chicago, or so I’m told.  The first day we hit the zoo which was a great time and then made our way in the late afternoon to the beach.

Now this will not come as a surprise to many people, but it freaked me out — Chicago has a beach!  Complete with lifeguard stands and palm trees.  Call me a “beachist” but growing up in Hawaii I always thought beaches were only connected to oceans.  Well it turns out lakes have them too.  So there we were on a beautiful Friday afternoon in the windy city building sand castles on the edge of lake Michigan.

Live and learn.

Waikiki? No, Chicago.

Waikiki? No, Chicago.

Building Chicago-style sand castles.

Building Chicago-style sand castles.

Would love to see this in Winter.

Would love to see this in Winter.

Pau for now…

2 Responses to Lifeguard Stands and Palm Trees in…Chicago!?

  1. There are great beaches on all of the Great Lakes, a few of them in large urban centers — check out Toronto’s beaches next time that you visit.


  2. barton808 says:

    I’ve been to Toronto (great beer gartens) but not the beaches. I’ll need to check them out next time I’m there. Hope you had a good Canada Day.


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